
How To Get Fat On Purpose

The Top Ten Ways to Gain as Much Fat as Possible*

Ahmed Faizan Sheikh

10. Don't Break Fast

Study after study has shown that women who don't eat breakfast are more overweight than those who do. After about eight hours of fasting, it's important not to kick-start your metabolism by eating. This way you can lose muscle while gaining fat. And at the same time you can ensure that cravings instead of smart choices determine your diet.

Definitely avoid eating a little piec e of fresh, hydrating fruit immediately after you wake up. The sugar from the fruit will likely spur your appetite within twenty to thirty minutes and make it more difficult to skip the most crucial meal of the day.

9. Starve Yourself

Avoid eating small regular meals that will keep you energized and satisfied. Rather than eating a small meal about every three hours, stick with just a couple of big ones that create a sugar rush and crash after a strong insulin reaction. Starving yourself is a great way to ensure your calorie-burning muscles aren't provided a steady flow of needed nutrients, so they can wither and make room for new fat.

8. Eat High-Glycemic Carbs

More than anything else, consuming massive amounts of processed carbs with high glycemic indices has led to Western civilization's obesity problem. Everything from whole-wheat bread, yogurts, sports bars, fruit juices, cereals, and sodas contain large amounts of high-glycemic carbs.

To gain fat, eat only carbs with glycemic indices well above 55. And, if at all possible, eat these processed carbs by themselves. This will maximize the blood-sugar spike and crash. Protein and especially fat slow the absorption of sugars, which is not what you need to get huge.

7. Avoid Raw Vegetables and High-Fiber Fruits

These are your number one enemy because of their high nutritional value, high volume-to-calorie ratio, and slow rate of absorption. Most vegetables and fruits contain things like vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water. What they do not contain is a lot of calories.

Consider that two cups of yellow squash and zucchini are only 40 calories. Just 400 calories from most raw vegetables will require that you eat at least 20 cups' worth! It's kind of hard to gain weight this way.

By replacing your current raw vegetables and high-fiber fruits with processed carbs, you will get more empty calories, which are sure to keep you hungry and dissatisfied due to insulin surges and micronutrient deficiencies.

6. Avoid Water

Instead, drink fruit juices and sodas. Most juices have about 115 calories of high-glycemic sugar in each cup. A can of soda has about 140 calories. You can really rack up the empty calories with these. Best of all, your blood-sugar levels will spike and crash all day.

Diet sodas are pretty good, too, since artificial sweeteners are linked to metabolic disorders and increased cravings for sweets. Monitor your urine and make sure it comes out in all sorts of funky colors! If it's clear, that means you've accidentally hydrated yourself with water.

5. Eat Fast and Furious

It takes your body about twenty minutes to realize how full it is, so it's important to get as much food into your mouth as fast as you can. Eating only one or two meals a day makes this much easier, since you'll be starving by the time you finally eat.

4. Stay Away from Foods That Are Whole

The mixing of ingredients needs to occur in factories and not in your kitchen. When you shop, purchase only processed foods that contain tons of ingredients. Make sure you can not pronounce all of them. These foods have the most calories, highest glycemic indices, and lowest nutritional value.

Definitely avoid shopping the perimeter of your grocery store, where single-ingredient items might distract you — such as fruits, veggies, red meats, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds.

3. Maintain a Caloric Excess

Consume 500 to 750 calories more than you expend each day. Most women looking to gain significant amounts of fat will do well on 3,000 calories a day, twice that of someone looking to lose fat. An efficient way to pack on the pounds is to eat fried or battered food.

And whatever you do, don't go to and use the resting metabolism calculator under the "Nutrition" link, which tells you your caloric needs based on your specific goals (losing fat, toning, or filling out your body). Just eat, eat, eat up!

2. Diet 'til You Drop

If you do get duped into a fat-loss diet, I strongly recommend never taking a break from it. Normally, with other people, I recommend upping the calories a bit for seven days of every month, to maintain a caloric balance. This prevents overtraining, burnout, and a loss of strength.

It can also keep your morale high and maintain your sanity. But, please, forget about little things like sanity, and keep on nonstop dieting as long as you possibly can, until you finally fall off the wagon for good.

1. Don't Build Muscle

Avoid physical activity! If you must exercise, stick to low-intensity aerobic activity, which won't build muscle, will possibly cause muscle wasting, and won't have a lasting metabolic effect. * Obviously, please do the exact opposite of these ten steps! Then you're good to go!

*Obviously, please do the exact opposite of these ten steps! Then you're good to go!

How To Get Fat On Purpose


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